SoftWeb PortalYou are about to access confidential information on Via Christi's internal computing systems. Per corporate policy, you are obligated to protect the confidentiality of all information accessed through these systems. It is your responsibility to not leave this workstation unattended while logged in to any Via Christi internal system. Please close the browser when you are finished. If you encounter any problems with this site please contact your system administrator at Technical support can be reached by phone at 1-800-876-0243 or 316-265-4533 Individual users should be aware that there is no expectation of personal privacy for users and information on this system. Via Christi reserves the right to monitor use of this system. Unauthorized use of or use in excess of granted authority on this system may constitute a violation of Federal and / or Kansas law. If monitoring reveals possible evidence of violation of criminal statutes, this evidence and any other related information may be provided to law enforcement officials. If monitoring reveals violations of Via Christi security regulations, directives, or unauthorized use, users may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including termination for Via Christi employees and / or revocation of utilization privileges for other authorized users. To accept these conditions and enter the SoftWeb Portal, click the button. |